Orchestra Sinfonica di Milano


Piccolo Teatro Studio Melato

Duration: 70'

A very interesting program made of two compositions, both premiered, and both commissioned by Orchestra Sinfonica di Milano. The first, the Violin Concerto by Gabriele Manca, entitled Dialoghi con il respiro. This composition is premiered by his dedicatee, the violinist Fulvio Luciani. Gabriele Manca puts emphasis, rather than on form, on the binomial "Solo-Tutti", conceived however always within the concept of mutual interpenetration, and not as an ontological opposition: "(...) A sort of violin concerto, shameless and impertinent idea that doesn’t want to deal with an immense and cumbersome tradition, but that only brings with it the principle of this dialogue of the breath of the individual with the breath of the whole."
The second piece in the program, composed by Giovanni Bonato for soprano and orchestra, entitled Where the whole universe dwells, is different. ("Where the whole universe dwells"). Another piece premiered, whose title consists of a quote from a statement by Crazy Horse, leader of the Oglala Sioux nation, as he sat smoking the Holy Pipe with Sitting Bull for the last time, four days before he was assassinated. The world of American Indians has exerted a considerable fascination on the composer, who states: "It is their message of tolerance, justice, peace, harmony and respect for the surrounding environment, sacredness towards nature in its most varied meanings, which makes them so, even dramatically, current.
Gabriele Manca
Dialoghi con il respiro Concerto for violin and orchestra
ascolta anteprima

Ascolta un'anteprima di 30 secondi dell'opera.

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Giovanni Bonato
ascolta anteprima

Ascolta un'anteprima di 30 secondi dell'opera.

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Orchestra Sinfonica di Milano

Iris Oja Mezzo
Fulvio Luciani Violin
Francesco Bossaglia Conductor

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13 April

Maddalena Conti Project and Direction
Pilar Bravo Director

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Two concerts, one single solution in the form of a Carnet to enjoy them both in just 24 hours!

Immerse yourself in the refined and evocative universe of Maurice Ravel, filled with vibrant orchestral colors, enchanting melodies, and irresistible rhythms. You’ll have the chance to hear some of his most beloved works, including the famous Boléro, conducted by Maestro Emmanuel Tjeknavorian with Sergei Babayan on piano.


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Ticket office: Largo Gustav Mahler, Milan
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Auditorium of Milan
Largo Mahler
Piazza Tito Lucrezio Caro 1
© Fondazione Orchestra Sinfonica e Coro Sinfonico di Milano Giuseppe Verdi
Piazza Tito Lucrezio Caro, 1 - Milan
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