Orchestra Sinfonica di Milano - Fondazione Storia


"Armonie per Due" is the perfect gift for a special Valentine's Day!
For just €80, you can enjoy a romantic evening wrapped in the enchanting melodies of the Milan Symphony Orchestra. The package includes two tickets for a symphonic music concert of your choice from the available selection, along with two glasses of champagne at the Foyer Bar of the Auditorium.


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With the contribution of

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Logo Città Metropolitana Logo Camera di Commercio Logo Banco BPM Logo Pirelli Intesa Sanpaolo Logo

With the support of

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A2A Logo Forestami

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ATM Logo Bigi Blu Logo

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Rai Cultura Logo Corriere della Sera Logo
How to contact us
Ticket office: Largo Gustav Mahler, Milan
La biglietteria è aperta da martedì a domenica, dalle 10.00 alle 19.00
T. 02 83389.401
[email protected]
Auditorium of Milan
Largo Mahler
Piazza Tito Lucrezio Caro 1
© Fondazione Orchestra Sinfonica e Coro Sinfonico di Milano Giuseppe Verdi
Piazza Tito Lucrezio Caro, 1 - Milan
Tax Code 97119590152 - VAT number 11024950153