Orchestra Sinfonica di Milano - News

Tickets Season 2023/24 - Sales open

Tickets sale for all the concerts from 28th September 2023 to 16th June 2024 is officially open!

From the 26 programs linked to the great symphonic repertoire, to the 14 concerts of the Mahler Festival, up to the concerts of the collateral series: Concerti ristretti, POPs, Musica&Scienza, Chamber Music, Sinfonica allo Studio, Crescendo in Musica, Musica da Cameretta and many concerts that see as protagonists our youth orchestras and choirs.

We also remind you that it is now also possible to purchase individual tickets for all the concerts that make up the MAHLER FESTIVAL, scheduled from 22nd October to 13th November!

You can find the complete program of the season on sinfonicadimilano.org

Tickets are on sale onsite at the ticket office of the Milan Auditorium (Tue - Sun 10 am - 7 pm), or online on Vivaticket.

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With the contribution of

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Logo Città Metropolitana Logo Camera di Commercio Logo Banco BPM Logo Pirelli Intesa Sanpaolo Logo

With the support of

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A2A Logo Forestami

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ATM Logo Bigi Blu Logo

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Rai Cultura Logo Corriere della Sera Logo
How to contact us
Ticket office: Largo Gustav Mahler, Milan
La biglietteria è aperta da martedì a domenica, dalle 10.00 alle 19.00
T. 02 83389.401
[email protected]
Auditorium of Milan
Largo Mahler
Piazza Tito Lucrezio Caro 1
© Fondazione Orchestra Sinfonica e Coro Sinfonico di Milano Giuseppe Verdi
Piazza Tito Lucrezio Caro, 1 - Milan
Tax Code 97119590152 - VAT number 11024950153